Sunday, October 9, 2011

Art Lighting

Art lighting is an art in itself! The type of lighting you choose to display your artwork can make or break the story you are trying to tell. But don't worry, BSD Electric is here to help!

Take some time to familiarize yourself with art lighting and why it is important!

What is art lighting?
Art lighting refers to the type of light and the direction of light used to spot light your art, whether that be a freestanding sculpture or a painting on the wall. 

What type of light should I use? 
Most artists are trained in art schools that are flooded with natural light, and so they become accustomed to that type of light for their displays. However, the answer isn't that simple. Natural light is hard to control and in many cases can damage a piece due to UV rays. Perhaps consider artificial light. 

How do incandescent lights affect art?
Incandescent lights have their pros and cons. This type of lighting brings out warm colors such as reds, browns, oranges and yellows. However, if you're working with ceoler colors such as blues and greens, this type of light would flatten out your colors, doing the opposite of what you'd like to achieve with your lighting. 

What about fluorescent lights?
Fluorescent light also has its share of pros and cons. Museums and galleries typically don't use this type of lighting because of the high amount of UV rays that are given off by this type of light. Fluorescent lighting does not emit light across the entire color spectrum and is therefore not suitable for most pieces.

Will halogen lights work? 
Yes. Halogen lighting is among the best solution for displaying art, if installed properly. Low watt halogen bulbs provide very good lighting and emit enough light over the color spectrum to compliment most pieces.

Call BSD Electric to get started on your art lighting project today! 

Source: DrLoriv

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